Saturday, August 4, 2018

I will assess your compatibility with 2 other people.

I will assess your compatibility with 2 other people.


Using a time tested and accurate system of divination based on birth dates (not astrology) I will rate two individuals' compatibility with you.  I will need birth dates (not years) of all persons you wish to rate. 

This is a fairly accurate way to find out if an online date may or may not be someone you click with.  People met online may fib about their birth year, but usually won't when it comes to their birth date.

You can also rate business partners, family members, classmates, teachers, children, friends, bosses, or use this method to seat people together at a social function.

Please note that not everyone you are compatible with may be good for you.  For example, you may be compatible with the Green River Killer.  This does not mean you should be in a relationship with them.  For this reason I strongly suggest going to the Preventragedy website and taking the test in the upper left corner of the site, as well as reading up on the books listed there. 







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