Saturday, August 4, 2018

I will use skype to listen to you, be your friend, and give advice

I will use skype to listen to you, be your friend, and give advice


I Will use Skype to Listen to You, Be Your Friend, and Give Advice.

Sometimes we just need someone to talk to. Sometimes we just need someone to listen. Sometimes we just need to get something off our chest, or to vent about something that's nagging us.

I totally get it, and I know how you feel. I can be that person you speak to.

I will listen wholeheartedly to what you have to say, and I will give you my personal, straight forward and honest advice on what you tell me. 

We can discuss whatever is on your mind, and our conversation will be just between us. Your privacy will be respected.

Maybe you just want to vent. If that's the case, I will still listen. :) 

What makes me qualified to give you advice?
I'm 35 years old, so I've had my own fair share of life experiences that are good, bad, and just plain weird.

Rest assured, I wi
ll not judge you or persecute you. Our discussion will be private and simply between us. 

Please understand that this gig requires the exchange of Personal Contact Information for Skype. 

I will not discuss inappropriate sexual topics, criminal activity, or anything illegal.

Message me if you have any questions.







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