Saturday, July 28, 2018

I will provide professional relationship advice

I will provide professional relationship advice


Having some troubles in your life? Do they have something to do with the way another person is treating you? Have an emotional vampire in your life? Are you looking to vent, or to get some advice from someone you know will be objective? I'm offering relationship advice, ranging from regular emotional exhaustion to end-of-the-world breakdowns. This can be about a friend, a family member, a co-worker, a stranger you met in passing, or about your love interest.


mitsis877:Very nice experience

averytinybird:Friendly, knew how to communicate what he wanted, and had a goal in mind. Enjoy working with him and would happily do so again!

newbieboy4:Completely open with caring and sharing!

averytinybird:Outstanding Experience!

newbieboy4:EXTREMELY open, caring, supportive, and with a delightful laugh. Her help was appreciated and on point as \

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