Friday, June 29, 2018

I will be your professional relationship advisor

I will be your professional relationship advisor


js-gig-main-desc ">Hello,

I am a Pick up artist and a dating coach. This gig is about any relationship advice you might need. You can describe your situation and ask whatever question that you want in the time interval that is stated (1, 2 or 3 days). All of your questions regarding on dating advice will be answered and all of the crucial advice that you might need will be given.

For an extra 20 USD I can send you the ebooks that I wrote and for an extra of 30 USD I can give you advice about men's health issues (issues like low testosterone, ED, PE) if you have any.

The communication will be via messaging on fiverr. You can expect written replies or audio files depending on the question and my schedule. 

For any other questions you can write a message to me through fiverr.







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